Our Factory Expo is the perfect platform for companies
accessing new markets and exporting

Let's talk

our factory expo visitors

Now in Egypt, Our Factory Expo is well known and respected among industry professionals..

Visitor's Profile

Senior Management will be in attendance.

Visitors by Industry include:

* Visitors to Smart Industry Expo will be Managing
* Directors, Financial Directors, Senior Management,
* Owners, Manufacturing/Production/ Engineering
* Management, Process/Control/Automation Engineering
* Management, Operations/Logistics/Quality Assurance,

* Factory/Plant/ Works/Maintenance Management,

* IT/Information Systems Management, Product
* Design/R&D.

* Aerospace, Automotive, Construction,
* Defense, Energy, Electrical & Electronic FMCG,
* Food & Beverage, Health Service/Medical,
* Textiles, Metal Production, Mobile,
* Pharmaceutical/Chemical, Telecommunications,
* Warehouse & Distribution.




welcome to visit our factory expo

Our Factory Expo

The Ideal Platform For International/Local Manufacturers And Suppliers To Launch New Products

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Our Factory Expo

sent your company to Egyptian's decision makers and meet key business partners face-to-face from the all industry sectors.

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