Call for paper
We are pleased to invite all those interested in the above theme to submit abstracts on CHEMTECH conference during 3-3 September , 2022
preferably research based papers focusing on one of the conference objectives.
Instructions for making abstract
1. The official language is English.
2. Use Microsoft Word format.
3. Abstract format:
1) Title of the abstract. (In lower case and should be centered.)
2) Name of presenting author.
3) Mailing address for presenting author.
4) Abstract body. (About 600 words or 1page)
5) Times (New) Roman font in 12 pt size and single line spacing.
6) 2.54cm each of left and right page margins.
Deadline abstract submit by 5th July 2022. Selected full papers should be submitted by 5th August, 2022.
Conference topics
Autocontrol Technology in Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Medicine Production.
Chemical Processes in Atmosphere
Chemical Risk Mitigation and Analysis
Chemicals Process control and simulation
Electrochemical and Biochemical Properties and Applications
Electronic Properties and Device Applications
Energy and environment
Impact of Air Emissions on Human Health
Industrial chemical Pollution
Matching the Pharmaceutical Properties to Medicine Effect.
New technologies and solutions of chemicals & pharmaceuticals.
Pharmaceuticals Process modeling and optimization
Soil Contamination and Pollution Prevention
Water Treatment and Supply